Manzil Agro's own orchards produce fresh mangoes, dragons, guavas, tweens, malts, pomegranates, dabs, papayas and a variety of other fruits. We sell these fruits commercially to meet our needs as well as the needs of others
Fish farming
Manzil Agro's own farmed fresh fish such as Rui, Katal, Magur, Shing, Pangas, including various species of fish are available. We cultivate and sell this fish commercially in order to meet our needs as well as the needs of others.
Tree nursery
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vim nonobis comprehensam, te vero liberavisse comprehensam nec. Dicunt molestie pri ei, mei te erat fastidii.Manzil Agro's own garden hybrid and native varieties of fruit saplings and medicinal saplings are available in our nursery. We cultivate and sell commercially to provide services to the country and the people
For the country and For the people
About Us
Welcome to one of the most advanced and dynamic Aquaculture Farm in Bangladesh. Striving to follow the Best Practice Guideline for the Sustainable Aquaculture management. MANZIL AGRO has its own CATTLE FARM, FISH FARMING, ORCHARD, TREE NURSERY & processing and packaging facility etc.
To promote agroecological principles and rural entrepreneurship through capacity development and socialism.
Our mission is being a global network transforming agriculture to secure a sustainable future for food, nature and rural communities
Our vision is Improve rural livelihoods and sustainable food systems in our greenland Bangladesh. We believe that our primary responsibility is to produce healthy, life-giving food. We are also committed to making a strong contribution to an improved environment and giving back to our community.
Our project planning video
Let us go forward in this battle fortified by conviction that those who labour in the service of a great and good cause will never fail.
"Founder and Planner"
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CEO Manzil Group.
Thes project people
Our Share holder Team
Contuct Now
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Our Location
Reach Us
- pranobonto tila, hatir kheda , 2 NO Ward , Chikon Sora, Bagan Bazar , Bhuzpur, Fotiksori, CTG
- manziagropark@gmail.com
- +8801407-046018
- +8801407-046019